Episode 2: Susan | Hope x2
Technically our second episode, but it feels like the first. The When Autumn Comes Podcast is going to share interviews with mamas and the stories of their children. We are kicking things off with Susan, one of our co-hostesses, and her amazing kiddos, Lorelei and Benji.
You can listen on your preferred podcast app or simply click this link:
Highlights from the episode:
- The diagnosis that affects the family is Mitochondrial Disease
- Hear Susan talk about going from a “normal pregnancy” to a 77 day NICU stay with a rare disease diagnosis
- What it felt like getting a diagnosis very early and how it could affect future children
- Coping and processing life with two special needs children with a life threatening condition
Links and resources:
- Follow Susan’s kids on facebook: www.facebook.com/FridaysWithLorelei
- Lorelei & Benji’s Fund for a Mito Cure: chop.donordrive.com/campaign/Lorelei
- Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/WhenAutumnComesPodcast
- Follow us on Instagram: @WhenAutumnComesPodcast
Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on our upcoming stories of medical and special needs parenting from families like yours.
And, if you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a rating and a review? Thanks!
You’re attitude and updates are an inspiration. I look forward to hearing how you cope and continue spreading love. I feel God has a plan and handpicked your family.