When Autumn Comes Podcast

Created by Moms for Moms

(and the people who love them)

When Autumn Comes is a place for medical and special needs mamas, and those who love them, who are facing a life they never expected.  Each week we share hope-filled stories of special needs families, all shapes, colors, sizes and abilities, all in different phases of their special needs or medical journey. Each conversation allows us to share beautiful, heart wrenching stories and experiences from one mama to another.  Together we are navigating through the complexities of the lives we never expected to be living.   

Want to share your story?

The interview calendar is NOW OPEN and we are excited to be accepting applications for guests!

Do you have an amazing disabled kiddo and a story or two to share with other moms?   We are looking for medical and special needs moms to be guests on our podcast!  

Basically, it is an excuse to spend an hour away from your kiddos, share your story, bring awareness to our world, but most importantly, help other mamas who may feel alone in their journey.  Plan to spend approximately an hour having a conversation with the WAC hostess, Susan Geoghegan, about your life as a medical and/or mom of a disabled child.

Prior to the recording we will converse either via email or phone about what to expect.  We will share the layout and pre-interview show questions/topics to help you prepare.   We also require a pre-interview phone call that usually is done 1-2 weeks in advance and only lasts 10 minutes.

Things to note:
– You do not have to be a public speaking professional to share your story.  Don’t stress.
– Just because we record together does not necessarily mean will will use all of your story.  We have the right to edit (usually just shorten to fit our time frame) or to use parts of your story on compilation episodes.
– You will not be able to hear your episode before it is published.  If you have a question or concern, we can absolutely chat prior though.

Questions? Email us: autumn@apricityhope.org


Vacations | The Joy and Struggle for the Medical Family
Episodes | WAC Episodes | WAC Podcast

Vacations | The Joy and Struggle for the Medical Family

Mornings are getting cooler and the autumn leaves are on their way in the next few months. Today, the girls recap summer vacation just as the “carefree” days of summer fade away and we transition into fall. Summer vacation looks different under the lense of medical motherhood. Gone are the days of backpacking in Europe….