Episode 92: Katrina | Navigating the repeat hospitalizations

Episode 92: Katrina | Navigating the repeat hospitalizations

You’ve heard it before…medical parenting is not for the faint of heart, medical parenting is a roller coaster. With hospitalizations come tests, and fear, and pain. After discharge, the family processes everything that just happened, the “new normal”. For some, this happens frequently. How do you manage the in-between hospital time, waiting for the next…

Love Like Lorelei Day + Hideaway Grand Opening
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Love Like Lorelei Day + Hideaway Grand Opening

Whether you can join us in person or you are celebrating from a distance, please pencil us in for 7/7. This is the angel-versary of Lorelei Geoghegan, marking 2 years since she traded her super hero cape in for angel wings. Lorelei’s love was pure, unconditional and authentic. We encourage everyone to do a random…

Episode 89: Jessica | Grief

Episode 89: Jessica | Grief

Merriam-Webster defines grief as “deep and poignant distress caused by or as if by bereavement” or “trouble, annoyance”. The American Psychological Association goes further to include, “Grief often includes physiological distress, separation anxiety, confusion, yearning, obsessive dwelling on the past, and apprehension about the future. Intense grief can become life-threatening through disruption of the immune…

Episode 88: Jessica | Finding the Cure: Navigating Rare disease and research

Episode 88: Jessica | Finding the Cure: Navigating Rare disease and research

Every family with medically complex children is impacted in some way by advances in medicine and therapy. Some have the benefit of recent developments. Others hope for cures and treatments on the horizon, yet just out of reach when they are needed most. At some point, do we all believe we will be the ones…