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Save the Date: March 24-26, 2023

When we started life as a medical family, I knew I wanted to put my event planning skills to use to help raise awareness and funds for Mitochondrial Disease.  My husband supported this idea and asked me “What kind of event are you going to plan??” At the time, I wasn’t a fan of running – so a 5K was not an option.  What did I like to do?  I liked floating on the river with friends. It was a bonus that Lorelei LOVED the water.  So in 2017 I invented the “Float for a Mito Cure.”  We floated together for three years and then COVID forced us to go virtual for our 4th. 

In 2022, still facing the threat of the pandemic and no longer having Lorelei Earth-Side to float with us (and having Benji who HATES water) we pivoted and camp: HOPE FULL was born!

Join us for the second annual camp: HOPE FULL. This year’s proceeds from camp will go to the Apricity Hope Project to raise money for mitochondrial disease research AND AHP programs that will directly empower and encourage medical caregivers. 

WHEN: March 24-26, 2023 for those who are camping all weekend.  The main event is on Saturday March 25 though for those who are not going to stay onsite.

WHERE: Holiday TRAV-L Campground in Virginia Beach, VA.

WHO: You, and you, and you and you!  Everyone! RV’ers, campers, and those who want to stay in cabins. (Again, day passes are available for those who want to come for SATURDAY ONLY if camping isn’t your jam!)

HOW MUCH?  Holiday TRAV-L is giving us discounted rates because we are a fundraiser! Costs vary for the sites depending on the type you are staying on.

For Weekend Campers: Are you camping with us for the weekend? This is the ticket for you! (Under two years old does not require a ticket.) This ticket includes: — Snack on Friday night — Activities on Saturday — Dinner on Saturday — Breakfast on Sunday Ticket does not include: — Campsite or cabin, this is paid directly to the campground Details of activities and events will be added soon! After you purchase your tickets you will receive an email that includes a link for your campsite or cabin. Fill out that form and within 3 business days you will receive a confirmation and site assignment email. You will then call the campground and reserve your assigned site.

For day passes: We know not everyone is outdoorsy. We get that. So join us for SATURDAY ONLY and sleep from the comfort of your own bed or hotel. This is the ticket for you! (Under two years old does not require a ticket.) This ticket includes: — Activities on Saturday — Parking fee is included in ticket cost This ticket does not include: — Friday + Sunday activities — Overnight stays — Dinner on Saturday Details of activities and events will be added soon!

IF YOU ARE A MEDICAL OR SPECIAL NEEDS CAREGIVER, this year we have an assistance program available to families who want to come but maybe it’s too tight for your budget. Please send an email to apricityhopeproject@gmail.com and we will get you set up! 

WHAT:  We have a weekend full of activities planned.  Schedule of events is in the works and will be shared ASAP.

HOW: Buy your tickets (click here to buy!) and we will send you information on your camp assignment!

PROMO CODES: Do you want to save some money and be a camp volunteer? You are required to volunteer for at least a 2 hour shift on Saturday. When you are purchasing your tickets use promo code 1Volunteer2023 for $15 off if ONE adult is volunteering in your group. Use promo code 2Volunteers2023 for $30 off if TWO adults in your group are volunteering.

Are you ready for s’more fun than last year? Get your tickets to join us at Holiday TRAV-L Campground in Virginia Beach, VA. 

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