Love Like Lorelei Day + Hideaway Grand Opening
Whether you can join us in person or you are celebrating from a distance, please pencil us in for 7/7. This is the angel-versary of Lorelei Geoghegan, marking 2 years since she traded her super hero cape in for angel wings. Lorelei’s love was pure, unconditional and authentic. We encourage everyone to do a random act of kindness in honor of our sweet girl on July 7. Feel free to download + print this flyer to include with your random act of kindness:
Additionally, if you are local (or simply want to travel!) plan to join us in-person on 7/7 to celebrate our GRAND OPENING of the Apricity Hideaway! This is the brand new headquarters of the Apricity Hope Project. The Hideaway will be open all day, open house style, so stop by, say hi, grab a cupcake and soak in the view for a few minutes! Come see what all the PINK hype is about and celebrate this huge milestone with us!
Where: 1409 Bayville Court, Norfolk, VA 23503 – please park on Bayville Street and walk to the pink house!
When: Open House ALL DAY from 10AM to 6PM. The drawing for Lorelei’s VIPER Golf Cart Giveaway will be LIVE at 5PM. We will stream this online also. You do not have to be present to win. Buy your raffle tickets NOW!
Please RSVP on our facebook event, just so we have an idea of how many people will be joining us: Love Like Lorelei Day RSVP
Questions? Email us at