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Benji’s Ranchy Season of Hope!

Once upon a time Benji Geoghegan became really great friends with Hidden Valley Ranch. To make his trip to the North Pole super special, they gave Benji his own, personalized Ranch Dressing bottles!

When they heard the Geoghegan Family’s story, HVR wanted to know how they could help Benji and more families like his. After talking to Benji’s Mama, Susan (the Executive Director of The Apricity Hope Project) we found the perfect way to share HOPE (and ranch) this holiday season. 

We worked together to create a label for “Benji’s Ranch” that features Benji in his blue wheelchair and his sister, Lorelei, as an angel above him. Benji and Lorelei have both been affected with a rare form of Mitochondrial Disease. Lorelei passed in 2021 at five and a half years old. Both children have/had severe medical complexities and are the reason why Susan became a Medial Mama.

These bottles of ranch dressing have been donated to The Apricity Hope Project for this fundraiser from Hidden Valley Ranch. Dare I say the best Ranch dressing in the world!! Proceeds from this fundraiser will help us care for caregivers like Benji and Lorelei’s mama.

These bottles are available for a $20 donation/bottle. If you need your bottle(s) shipped to you will have to make a shipping donation of $10 for each bottle. Use the form below OR go to givebutter.com/BenjiRanch!

We have a limited number of bottles available. Once the tickets are sold out, no more ranch will be available. 

**Each “ticket” is a donation for one bottle of ranch. You can get as many tickets as you need. If you need shipping you must add a shipping donation. Shipping donation is required for every bottle of ranch that needs to be shipped.** 

**PORCH PICK UP is available/required for all local orders that are not shipped. Pick up will be in North Suffolk, just off of 664. You will receive the pickup address and bottles will be available, with your name on the box, on the front porch.** 

Visit: https://givebutter.com/BenjiRanch

Questions? Email us at hello@apricityhope.org

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  1. Sending love and prayers to all the children, families and caregivers with special needs and medically complex challenges. 💕

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